On 30th of November and 1st of December 2017, all museums will be closed excepting the Danube Delta Eco-Tourism Museum Center which will be open between 9.00 and 17.00 (last entry: 16.00).
November 2017
The International Conference „Objects, Ideas and Travelers. Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean and Western Anatolia during the Bronze and Early Iron Age. Conference to the Memory of Alexandru Vulpe” will take place in Tulcea on 11-13 November 2017.
The event, attended by more than 50 outstanding researchers from Romania, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Poland, Bulgaria, Sueden, Denmark, Croatia and Republic of Moldova, is financially supported by Tulcea County Council in partnership with Tulcea Town Hall.
Organizers: “Gavrilă Simion” Eco-Museum Research Institute – Tulcea, „Vasile Pârvan” Archaeology Institute – Bucureşti, Pre- and Protohistory Institute of Heidelberg University (Germany) and German Institute of Archaeology. Eurasia – Berlin Department.
The conference is dedicated to an important period in the prehistory of southeastern Europe between the end of IV millennium BC and the beginning of the first millennium AD. and is trying to bring together the newest and most important scientific contributions in the field.
Details regardind programme, participant and papers presented : 2017_11_Tulcea_Program conferinta_Object, Ideas and Travelers