Between February 25 and May 25, 2021, at the “Danube Delta” Ecotourism Museum Center from 14 Noiembrie Street, no. 1, the public will be able to watch and appreciate the exhibition “An artist from Tulcea”, which comprises works by the artist Viorel Vasile.
What the organizers say:
”The artisan artist Viorel Vasile was born in 1960 in Tulcea. He is a graduate of the Metallurgical High School in the city.
Passionate about beauty, he loves painting and sculpture, proving that, where there is talent and inspiration, art can be made from almost anything, even from fish bones.
Carefully, the artist, inspired by the area in which he lives, transforms fish bones into original creations.
Many of his works, presented in international exhibitions, can be viewed on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T57hcn94SeY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNiOilKOPEU. ”
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