JANUARY 2021. The Fine Arts Museum from Grigore Antipa Street, no. 2, invites visitors to contemplate the work “Maternity”, belonging to the sculpture collection, work whose creator is Ion Irimescu (b. February 27, 1903, Arghira, Suceava- d. October 29, 2005, Fălticeni, Suceava).
Considered the most important Romanian sculptor of the last half century, Ion Irimescu is one of those artists with spectacular work and biography devoid of fate-changing events. In the many years he lived, he crossed several epochs and regimes, traveled, studied and exhibited in many countries, never getting tired.
“The sculpture did not require any effort, it was given to me as a gift from God.”
“The absolute beauty, which we actually covet, does not belong to us humans. If, by absurdity, we could reach him, we would reject him, because he would make us uncomfortable, not being in line with our earthly limits. It remains a dream, an ideal, which can never be realized. ”
Ion Irimescu
Source: https://ionirimescu.wordpress.com/artistul/