September 2014

International Symposium at Danube Delta Eco-Tourism Museum Center

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Date: 25 – 27 October 2014

Scientific Event:  International Symposium The natural and landscape heritage conservation – premise for sustainable development  – 3rd edition

Organizer: Gavrilă Simion Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea

Partners: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority and Măcin Mountains National Park Administration

Themes are related to the protected areas: research, conservation, management and education of the inhabitants and visitors.

Guests: specialists from Romania, Spain, Bulgaria and France (researchers, managers/rangers of protected areas, museographers), representatives of other institutions and NGO-s developing activities in the field.


The works will start Friday, September 26th, 9.30, at Danube Delta Eco-tourim Museum Center, 14 Noiembrie Street no. 1bis. The Symposium will end Saturday, September 28th with a visit to Măcin Mountains National Park and Nature Reserve Chervant-Priopcea.


Sponsors:  S.C. Sim Corporate SRL Tulcea and S.C. Europolis SA Tulcea

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Drawings by Alma Ștefănescu-Schneider at Avramide House

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Starting with Friday, August 16, 2014, at Avramide House 32, Progresului Street, the public may admire the drawings exhibition signed Alma Ștefănescu-Schneider.
Alma Ștefănescu-Schneider was born in Sibiu, on September 12, 1948, and spent her childhood in Constanța. In 1972, he graduated the Institute of Fine Arts “Nicolae Grigorescu” Bucharest. At the age of 30 he went to Germany. The artist died at nearly 65 years in Dortmund, the city where she lived with her husband, Guntram Schneider. The artist is represented in the exhibition by 30 drawings.

alma stefanescu

Verba volant, scripta manent at the Museum of History and Archaeology

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Starting with Friday, May 23, 2014,  at the Museum of History and Archaeology located in the Independence Monument Park, the public may watch the exhibition entitled Verba volant, scripta manent, organized by Gavrilă Simion Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea in partnership with the National Museum of History Bucharest , Brăila Museum, the Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanţa, “Casa Mureşenilor” Museum  Braşov,  Paul Păltănea History Museum Galaţi a Curtea Domnească National Museum Complex Târgovişte.

What the organizers say:

The exhibition introduces to visitors glimpses of the history of one of the greatest inventions in human history – writing. By exposing different support materials (stone, ceramic, leather, wood, paper, etc.), tools used over time for writing (stylus’s, writing feathers, heels, typewriters, etc.) and objects related to this activity (paperweight, desk set, sheath for the pen, nib box, inkwell, chest etc.) exhibition highlights the aspects of the history and evolution of writing, from the first signs / drawings of the Neolithic period, to the modern period. 

verba volant

Animals Planet

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Animals Planet at the Danube Delta Eco-Tourism Museum Center

The exhibition is a survey of the Earth’s continents with their consecrated representatives of the animal kind. As common are the words, as impressive and surprising is the display.

 The overflowing imagination, scientific rigor and tenacity of the enthusiastic and skilled team of Danube Delta Eco-Tourism Museum Center materialize this time in an exceptional exhibition whose exhibits belong to the Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History – Bucharest and  Gavrilă Simion Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea.

Afis Planeta anim

METAMORPHOSES at Avramide House

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Starting with September 3, 2014, at the Art Café Casa Avramide 32, Progresului Street, you can watch  Metamorphoses, an   exhibition of paintings, organized by Ovidius University Constanța – Faculty of Arts, ICEM Tulcea, and Jean Bart Cultural Center –  Tulcea .
The exhibition includes works by graduates of master’s and undergraduate courses.


Eugeniu Barău – Come and see!

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 Between 5th of September and 31st of October 2014, at the Fine Arts Museum, 2, Grigore Antipa, the public is invited to admire the exhibition Come and see! which contains the paintings of Eugeniu Barău. 


The artist was born în 1946 at Frecăței – Tulcea County and studied at the Fine Arts Faculty – Timișoara.

Eugeniu Barău has participated in group exhibitions in Germany and Bucharest. His paintings are found in private collections in USA, Canada, Syria, Israel, Greece, Austria, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, England, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, South Africa, Philippines and Japan.
Since 1991, the artist has a permanent exhibition at Hotel Select Tulcea.