Date: 25 – 27 October 2014
Scientific Event: International Symposium The natural and landscape heritage conservation – premise for sustainable development – 3rd edition
Organizer: Gavrilă Simion Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea
Partners: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority and Măcin Mountains National Park Administration
Themes are related to the protected areas: research, conservation, management and education of the inhabitants and visitors.
Guests: specialists from Romania, Spain, Bulgaria and France (researchers, managers/rangers of protected areas, museographers), representatives of other institutions and NGO-s developing activities in the field.
The works will start Friday, September 26th, 9.30, at Danube Delta Eco-tourim Museum Center, 14 Noiembrie Street no. 1bis. The Symposium will end Saturday, September 28th with a visit to Măcin Mountains National Park and Nature Reserve Chervant-Priopcea.
Sponsors: S.C. Sim Corporate SRL Tulcea and S.C. Europolis SA Tulcea